- XXX, Computer Application Technology.
- Privacy.
Side Projects
- The reverse of the word Schrodinger, which means we need certainty instead of uncertainty.
- Openstack is an expanded data structure for stack.
- Openqueue is an expanded data structure for queue.
- IACM is a blockchain consensus write by Go.
- HPS: A High Performance Server written by C++11 .
- TinyOne: A tiny FTP server.
- m4: A tiny container hybird programming by C & C++.
- i0sh: A Linux Shell write in C.
- echo-demo: An echo server for TCP/UDP .
- Hackintosh on Shinelon A40L.
- Backend architenctor skill map with C/C++.
- Click me to know more about information.
About me
- Based in Beijing since 2020.
- Work in C/C++/Go/Shell, a Vimer.
- A back-end developer.
- Fake full-stack developer, you know, I don't know anything.
- Loves cooking, loves music, loves fitness.
- Actually, I played music production many years ago. That's really cool~
- Lifelong learner.
- French, Russia, Esperanto, Spanish, Mongolian learning...
- Oh, I am a fat man.
Hyperlinks & contact
- GitHub
- Telegram: ZW8weGZmCg==
- P: aTBFazNAcHJvdG9ubWFpbC5jb20K
- G: a25vMzA4MjYjZ21haWwuY29tCg==
- Phone: KzEgOTc4MjcyMjAyNgo=
In the end, it still didn’t slow down. We walk too fast to see the scenery around us, and we don’t have time to think about what we are chasing and what kind of life we want. We just move forward blindly. The plans that were made before are all rotten. I haven’t opened the book again, I have never insisted on fitness, I want to learn a lot, but I haven’t acted. All desires are washed away by busyness, it seems that hard work but inaction, it is really sad. Have you decided to change? Are you willing to live an indifferent life? Are you willing to give up chasing material life and enjoy spiritual life? If you want, then act and do what you want to do. Don’t be afraid of failure, because the meaning of life lies in the process in which you participate. In this process, you can use what you have learned to help others or help yourself. This is the value you create, unparalleled.
Much more you do, much more you gain. Keep moving…
Well, ours’ open source projects change the dependence manager to go mod mode for now, forever.
Yeah, write some codes, read some books, take dinner then watch the season, that’s my life.
The game on the way, let fails away.